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like sports, people, places and events plus a dose of national and local headlines and is also an article contributor for the Feast Binan Weekly Bulletin

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Graduation High

My recollection of the day I graduated from kinder way back in the 80's was all about how I looked, clad in a white polo with matching bowtie and black pants and that is all of it. Today, my oldest son, graduated from Junior Kinder and when I saw how he looked like, felt like I was transported back during my kinder years. My mom and dad were saying, I looked exactly like him...only darker. :)

It was fun to see my oldest son marching down to the beat of "pomp and circumstance" (I think that's the title of the hymn being played). I can see the smile from his face and brimming with excitement and full of energy. I just wish that he would carry the same passion until the time that he graduate from college.

Graduation really is a high (I know it was for me when I graduated college), however for some it signals the start of something unknown, graduating was yet another question that needs to be answered,not knowing how will they move forward since they don't even know what's life outside the 4 corners of the walled classroom. Though for my son, well, graduation signals the end of school season, just another ordinary day.

rye(left) with his friend before the ceremonies

during their presentation

too darn tired

finally my own diploma

Friday, March 27, 2009

Arrgh! Headache...

Having a terrible headache right now, it was probably because of the rain earlier this morning when I got out from work,who would have thought that it was going to rain, darn! it's the friggin summer season and summers' supposed to be... well... hot! Good thing it's my VL (again) today, Friday and I think I just need to sleep this over and hopefully tomorrow I'm okay. T'was quite a busy day for me, after work I met up with my friend who just came back from the states last night and got a small "pasalubong", a new pair of shoes... ;). Also I am a bit excited since I would get to see my oldest son, graduate from junior prep this Saturday, gee I can't wait! Later my wife would buy him stuff that he needs to use for tomorrows' event, well as for me, I need to sleep :) Hopefully though I can post some pictures just to share, but I would still think about it.

Well I guess thats' about it. Things that I did today and things that I'll be doing over the weekend and like what previously mentioned, I need some catching up to do with my fatherhood skills coz I am a bit rusty already and this graduation wouldn't have come any sooner... :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Summer is definitely here

It is a Sunday, as usual I am sitting here infront of the computer basically spending my entire afternoon surfing the internet while watching over the kids. By the way my mom bought an inflatable pool a year ago and its being put into good use this year. They've set it up outside and filled it with I don't know how many gallons of water. The kids and those kids at heart are enjoying it! A perfect way to escape the scorching heat.

Just a footnote temperature is at 32 degrees, and boy it is definitely hot outside, I might use the pool (haven't even used it since my mom bought it) but then again I prefer taking a shower. :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Vacation? I don't think so...

Finally I am able to get away from emails, escalations and ahmnn agents...I don't think so...I am on the first day of my 2-day Vacation Leave thank god for TV and internet! kinda feeling a bit bored already, since I had nothing else to do, except of course tend to some house chores, and that is to look after the kids... Haven't been a father figure lately. Sad to say that it is just now that I am realizing all the things that I am missing out here at home. My kids are growing up so fast that its been almost 6 years already since I felt the joy of being a proud father for the first time. It's not that I am blaming my work for all of this missed opportunities, it is just that I feel like work has consumed me already that I ain't got the time to be with my family (figuratively and literaly) but that is the irony of life, we live to work and we have to work in order for us to live.

Being a good provider doesn't really mean that you are a good father. If you are taking your family for granted and brushing off aside small things that makes your life complete, then fatherhood is not complete.

My first day off from work made me realize things that I need to work on with my family, that is be a father to my kids and a husband to my wife...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How much are you worth?

Have you ever asked that question to yourself lately? Offensive as it may sound, but come to think of it, it will make you ponder how much you really are treasured, both personally and professionally.

When was the last time your loved ones did things to you that made you feel appreciated? When was the last time that you got commended by your boss for a job well done?

Simple things that are taken for granted by some, however it basically molds you as a person. It affects how you interact with other people and how you perform your job. Getting appreciated in return means being appreciative of others, be it a weakness or a strength of a person.

So maybe the next time you might want to stop and ask the question, how much am i really worth? Take time to note down people that appreciates you, your parents,your wife, husband, children, officemates and everyone else that you can think of for who knows, there might not be a next time.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Yahoo Fantasy League... a real thriller

The NBA regular season is almost over and things are heating up within our FANTASY League. I am included in 3 yahoo fantasy league with some of my officemates and it is one sure hell of a fun game. In our first league, I am currently at the top spot out of 13 players and some of the guys are starting to creep in and wanted to take over the top spot and not only that, the guys had placed a small prize to whoever becomes the league champion. I am sure that the number 2 and number 3 guys are already thinking of strategies to topple me from the TOP, hopefully with my current pool of players, i would still maintain the No.1 spot and barring any injuries for my players...I can finally lay claim to being NUMERO UNO...